Caesarean section is a surgical procedure that consists of practicing a cut in the abdomen and the womb from which is extracted to the baby. In some cases, Caesarean section is scheduled in advance; in others, occurs when faced with unforeseen complications.

Caesarean section is a major abdominal surgery, and why more risks than vaginal birth. Women giving birth by caesarean section are more prone to infection, heavy bleeding, blood clots, more pain after childbirth and a longer recovery.The lesions in the bladder or bowel (although not very frequent), also are more common.

In addition, if you plan to have more children, each caesarean you do increases the risk of day placenta previa in future pregnancies.However, not always can - or caesarean section should – be avoided.In some circumstances, Caesarean section is the best thing you can do for your own good or your baby.

Know clearly that a woman will need a c-section even before the commencement of the delivery.

Conditions that may require a caesarean are as follows:

• You've already had a "classical" caesarean section (with vertical uterine cut) or more of a cesarean section. If you've only had a caesarean section with horizontal cut, you can be good candidate to have a vaginal birth after a cesarean section.

• You have suffered any other surgery uterine, as for example a myomectomy (surgical removal of the fibroids).

• You are pregnant for more than a baby (some twins can birth by vaginal delivery, but all triplets pregnancies or more babies require a c-section).

• Expected that your baby is very large (this complication is called macrosomia), especially if you are a diabetic or you've had another baby of the same size or smaller it has suffered serious injury during vaginal birth.

• Your baby comes from buttocks or is transverse position (side). In some cases, with a twin pregnancy in which the first baby is located upside down and the second comes from buttocks, it is possible to give birth of vaginal form which is breech baby.

• You have placenta previa (when the placenta is so down in the womb that covers the cervix).

• It is known that the baby has a disease or fetal anomaly that would make vaginal birth dangerous.

• You are HIV positive and blood tests carried out at the end of pregnancy show that you have a high amount of the virus.

You may need a c-section if emerge that make misleading or continue with vaginal delivery is dangerous complications. These cases are as follows:

• The cervix becomes dilate it or the infant stops down the birth canal, and attempts to stimulate contractions and resume the process have not succeeded.

• Heart rate baby is concerned the doctor so it determines not to continue with an induction or a vaginal birth.

• The umbilical cord glides through the neck of the uterus (this is called prolapsado umbilical cord). If that happens, your baby will need birth immediately, because a prolapsado cord can cut the supply of oxygen.

• The placenta starts to become detached from the uterine wall (premature shedding of placenta), which means that the baby will not have enough oxygen, unless immediately arises.

• You have a rash of genital herpes when you start delivery or when misusing water (misusing the source or bag). Caesarean section will help you protect your baby against infection.

First, the doctor explains why sees fit to practise you a c-section and asks you to sign an authorization.If the professional that you usually attends a midwife, assign you to an obstetrician for surgery, who will make the final decision and you will receive your consent.

In general, your husband or partner can accompany you during the greater part of the preparation and during birth. In the rare case that caesarean section is so urgent that does not give time to your partner to change clothes (must be sterilized clothing), or need general anesthesia apply you, it is possible that does not allow you to stay with you in the operating room.

Then comes an anaesthetist who will speak with you options to relieve pain. Today it is usually not administer anesthesia general, since it lets you completely unconscious, except in the most extreme emergencies or if for some reason you can not receive calming soothing premises.

More likely is that administer you anaesthesia Lamaze or spinal, numbs the lower part of the body, but leaves you conscious and alert to the birth of the baby.

If they have already managed you to labor Lamaze, is also used for caesarean section. Before surgery, are you provides additional medication to ensure you're completely anestesiada. (Anyway, you may feel pressure or pulling surgery sometime in sensation).

After entered you a tube to drain urine during the process and initiate an intravenous if it is that you had not already a sunset on the arm infusion.Afeitan Te top of pubic hair and you move to the operating room.Then administer you anesthesia and erect a blanket from the waist to create a visual barrier (so you don't see when make you the incision).

If you want to watch the time of delivery, ask your doctor or midwife to fall a little the sheet so you can see the baby, but nothing more.Your husband or partner, newly dressed in clothes of the operating room, you can sit near your head.

Once the anesthetic effect, you missed a cotton or gauze with antiseptic belly and probably doctor perform a small horizontal incision in the skin over the pubis (English call it slang bikini cut or "bikini Court").Then cuts through the underlying tissue, layer by layer, until reaching the uterus.When it comes to the abdominal muscles, usually separates them manually (rather than continue cutting through) and runs them to lay bare what is underneath.

When it comes to the uterus, makes a horizontal cut on its lower segment.This is called "lower transverse incision".

In rare circumstances, the doctor decides to make a vertical or "classical" uterine incision.This could be the case if the baby is very premature and the lower part of the uterus is not yet sufficiently thin to cut.

Then the doctor puts his hand inside and brings the baby.You have the opportunity to see it a few moments before they give to your child's doctor or midwife.While the medical team is examining the baby, the doctor draws the placenta and begins to suture (sewing incision).

After examining the baby, pediatrician or midwife it are usually your partner, who can sustain it beside yours so that it can look, caressing and kissing while stitched you, layer by layer.The last layer - skin - you can close points or nails, which are usually removed between three days and a week later.Close the uterus and belly takes much longer to open them.This part of the surgery usually takes about 30 minutes.

Once the surgery, they take you to the recovery, where are you carefully controlled during hours room.If the baby is fine, they will take you to the room and you will finally have it in her arms.If you plan to breastfeed, this is a good time to try.You can be more easily feed so if both are inebriated flank, face to face.

You'll be interned three or four days to return to your home.It is good idea to get someone to help you with household tasks during the first weeks when return home, because you'll be sore and you will need your energies to recover you and take you to your baby.

Written for BabyCenter