Type of food, you get to eat the weight and direct you to another health during pregnancy and baby's health. However, you can follow a healthy pregnancy tips of pregnancy and understanding the relationship between diet baby goes through the normal growth and development to secure the most effective. A variety of eating healthy foods, especially the first few months of pregnancy, very important. On average, the pregnancy, the baby's growth in the womb of the requirements to maintain their normal calorie intake, add 300 calories. A well balanced diet and a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.

Pregnancy and nutrition.

Calorie intake, it is not necessary to increase the only means to increase food intake.It is a variety of food supply from. dairy products, fruits and vegetables, fish, meat, eggs, healthy fats, carbohydrates pregnancy diet if you include all of the required food nutrients, iron, folic acid, vitamin B and other vitamins and minerals, but especially, it is getting. 10% protein diet, 35% fat and carbohydrates should be 55%.

What kind of food should be able to eat?

A healthy source of proteins, cooking eggs, beans, meat and dairy products in temperatures. Fish and sea food essential foods a great source of nutrients, but the toxic algae and mercury pollution for their consumption must be limited. Healthy fats and oil, olives, nuts and some dairy products can be supplied. Whole wheat bread, pasta, potatoes, rice, corn, oats and whole grain cereals, a great source of carbohydrates.

Healthy pregnancy and diet all the food is a variety of foods.Well-balanced daily eating whole grains, noodles or pasta, corn and other good source carb's must have 5-6 times.It is 3-4 times green leafy vegetables, and must be included; one serving of vegetables cooking Cup and ½: two servings of fruit every day, sufficient vitamins and diseases and to relieve and to prevent constipation defense fiber strengthen minerals should be. 4-5 times the meat, poultry, beans, nuts, tofu, or eggs, and other various protein food daily protein requirements.Finally, a cup of milk or milk product temperature, one serving of.Sweet, fat and oily food must be done in moderation.

Pregnancy and dietary supplements.

A healthy balanced diet needed to ensure important input or pregnancy risk free.However, from the food sourced nutrient when there is no sufficient nutrition professionals lack of vitamins and minerals to avoid taking dietary supplements,. calcium and iron, folic acid, vitamin B flaws in the entrance of the MOM and baby for the pose serious health risks. iron brain development in important cell division folic acid, vitamin B is important in the treatment of HIV and the absorption of calcium, protein and normal bone and muscle development critical to the daily diet, and so on., the natural, risk free, and there is a way for simple maternity. However, food supplements in pregnancy, including physician before and solidarity must diet.

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