Author: JenskiyBlog ‡ date: 20 May 2010: dieting ‡ ‡ Topic tags: pineapple diet, diet

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Sounds so sweet and Nice, aren't they?Of course, will answer every not ošibëtsâ.

Pineapples are not just delicious fruit and fruit containing enzymes.This is such a substance that helps our body to deal with the deposition of subcutaneous fat, as well as contribute to the better functioning of the stomach. Thanks to this pineapple diet is very effective.

Diet should be about 4-5 pineapple that affordable luxury nowadays.Two pineapple should be cut into rings, and divided into 4 portions, i.e. four reception meals: breakfast, afternoon snack, lunch and dinner, respectively.

Of the remaining to be done 1 liter pineapple juice and drink only during the day.No food except pineapple not to use.
Desirable to arrange, in the middle of the week or at the end of the day, two unloading.

If your body does not hold people revolt, and similar limitations, then you can add to your diet slightly (about 100 g) cooked chicken, nonfat cottage cheese or as much as curd mass or 100 g of any lean meat (poultry). It is also possible to use rye bread, previously roasted in tostere.

1. the effectiveness of the diet is simply astounding. For two days its two compliance you rasprosaetes' kilograms.Very good when you want to lose weight and time are sorely lacking.
2. Pineapple contains enzymes that beneficially affect the microflora of the human stomach.It turns out that and hudeem, and help the stomach.
3. Diet is very tasty and sweet.Thus, using pineapple diet pills, we reduce the risk of falling and go for a chocolate bar.

1. Diet quite expensive because not everyone can afford to buy five pineapples.However, it's worth it.
2. The diet should not be abused.Such as possible intoxication of the organism, and is due to the overabundance of vitamin and sugar, which is enough. ananaseTherefore, increases the risk of diabetes, liver cirrhosis or hepatitis.

Output is: pineapple diet very delicious and effective and abuse is bad for anything.
Successful weight loss!Good luck!