Hemorrhoids during pregnancy

Hemorrhoids during pregnancy are very common and tend to be only temporary, improve or disappear after the birth of his son. That the majority of cases occur in the third trimester of pregnancy. Hemorrhoids are caused by constipation during pregnancy and effort to have a bowel evacuation. Standing for a long period of time can contribute to causes of hemorrhoids, as well as the pressure on the straight and the baby perineum.If you have already found hemorrhoids by her pregnancy that could be worse.

Hemorrhoids are blood vessels that have swollen size to accommodate the pressure around the area. There are generally two types of hemorrhoids: internal and external.Internal hemorrhoids occur inside the rectum and external hemorrhoids occur near the anus, out of his body, and are covered with a thin layer of skin. Generally, hemorrhoids vary in size from a grape passes to one.

Pregnancy tends to slow down the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, thus establishing the bases for constipation.Hemorrhoids can also cause bleeding.You'll want to make sure that your doctor knows about your hemorrhoids that he or she can be ready to provide guidance.

What can you do to relieve pain, itching, and fire your hemorrhoid condition?

You can:

• Avoid sit for long periods of time. Stand up and walk out there, even if only for a while.Not just standing, walking.

• Sit, avoid hard surfaces.You can find soft surfaces or keep on hand a pillow.

• Use either wet or dry bicarbonate of soda in the affected area to help with the itching or burning.

• Take a warm bath.You might consider adding a little sodium bicarbonate to treat water or a bath seat (alternating between hot and cold water).

• medicated pads are available for purchase for external use for the relief of pain, itching, burning, or symptoms of hemorrhoids.

• Hamamelis is considered a natural remedy to help reduce the swelling.

The best thing you can do to prevent hemorrhoids, or keep them in check if you are already experiencing them, is:

• Eat many fruits and vegetables to try to maintain the regularity in the body of the system.

• Do not put out of going to the bathroom when you feel the need.The more wait and try to "keep it" the worst conditions make for yourself.

• Make sure of there is not much fiber in your diet.Good sources of fiber include bran cereals, Apple and spinach, to name a few.

• Drink plenty of liquids.Liquids include prune juice if you are not getting enough fiber in your diet food of choice.

Takes care of your hemorrhoids during pregnancy that you have enough in your account, don't need the addition of hemorrhoids irritation if you can avoid them or try to relieve their symptoms.Always consult with your doctor before taking any medication internally when you are pregnant.Your doctor may also prescribe softeners stool or recommend fiber supplements, where necessary.

The solution is fairly simple.Above all, the best is the prevention.

Some more recommendations:

Mild physical activity according to the status of women, promote bowel evacuation and circulation and return of venous blood.

However, physical exercise must be smooth to avoid expansion and contraction of the uterus prematurely.The most recommended are the diet rich in fibers, hiking, swimming and Pilates gymnastics or yoga.

And this, although we sometimes though, we can help everyone: accompanying pregnant women in their walks, care for other children while she goes to walk or swim, not only facilitate some time to make physical activity and combat hemorrhoids, but that we will be creating a family climate relaxed, without tension, so she and your family get the best out of these techniques.