????????? - ????? ????? ? ????? ?????????With the onset of autumn feel not only chickens – many counts and the number of kilograms, which managed to leave during the summer season. Fortunately, plenty of fruit and vegetables in the diet, and lots of interesting working outdoors, in most cases, us nearer to, and the phrase "lose weight easily" no longer seems so unreal. So important is the question of how to achieve a perfect balance of body and permanently leave the fat deposits in the problem zones.

It's no secret that simply weight much easier than removing the notorious "jodhpurs or creases on the sides. Often their holders honestly followed the diet and regular visits to the gym, but stocks fat in some places simply cannot respond to all these efforts.A scientific ways to reduce fat deposits has become cavitation – hardware, which grows in popularity.

So, the medical scientists to achieve fellow physicists and created machines operating on the principle of an ultrasonic waves. Certain frequency waves meant that under their influence in the fatty cells begins the process of many micro-balloons. These bubbles quickly "explode" and along the way, they crush everything across their path – that is, those most stocks of fat that our organism preserves the wildest corners. Figuratively speaking, the contents of fat cells as vibrates, softens and abroad – in the intercellular space. Further work of the lymphatic system and other bodily systems that process ends with the inevitable loss of fat masses.Of course, sounds fantastic, and I just take this wonderful procedure. However, not all that easy and before you decide to spend an amount comparable to the price of black mink fur coat (a course of cavitation is very expensive), is to understand whether cavitation.

First, forget about advertising promises to significantly reduce immediately after the first procedure. As with any medical intervention intelligently, cavitation requires written stoically along the course. Depending on the thickness of adipose accumulations will need 5-10 procedures, with a break of one week.

Secondly, don't expect to lose weight easily, lazily contemplating in the mirror of its shape, eyes losing volume. This work of nurses will be easy and enjoyable as the cavitation is circular movements of the body of the patient maniple. Your task will be much serious – because in the intervals between procedures, you must carefully monitor their diet.This warning is very severe because the liver and limftoka already will be reinforced obrušena load (as we remember, split fat body need output). The diet must be rid of excess fat, salt and fast carbohydrates – actually, on these principles and build a healthy diet. In addition, at least twice a week, we recommend that you rely on any physical activity that will help speed up the process of parting with excess fat.All this sounds like a banal: less is more, but those patients who do not agree to at least a little change their way of life, the risk to spend money and time gift – do not make miracles cavitation.

Decent Professionals explain things in advance, in certain cases even emphatically recommend refuse thoughts on cavitation – until someone finds the strength to abandon overeating. Also in your list will need to log in procedure habits to lymph drainage – be it hardware manipulation (which are often combined with kavitaci), manual massage, pressotherapy or LPG.This will speed up the process of removing fat from the body split and make maximum impact. kavitaciû

Third, remember that you pay for a high amount of cavitation and procedures strictly limited time (usually 30 minutes). So, during this time, you can process all problem areas – from the belly and back to "counting the lugs and drumsticks – or to concentrate on only one zone. It is understood that if problem areas are very much, then the impact is very small, so it is better to use it for kavitaciû local fat deposits, which spoil the terrain in a slender figure.Lose weight is through a cavitation still fail, will contribute to coherence.

Finally, have patience and wait for instant results. The first couple of weeks after the start of the course will be willing to part with the body fluid than with fat masses.Process, conditionally speaking, softening and grease will go slowly.This may take the form of small Protuberance appears underneath the skin, reduce turgor exposed cavitation and even reinforce the Visual signs of cellulitis.However, if all the recommendations of the expert are strictly within two to three weeks after the end of the course, the skin will please the smoothness, hateful bump and creases disappear, and work on a voznagraditsâ overtones.

As you can see, cannot be regarded as kavitaciû express-method of weight loss or sorcery, helps reduce weight without changing habits.However, the advantages of this procedure is a real opportunity to address long-standing problems with shapes, as well as increased levels of self-discipline.In General, it deserves, and to ensure the absence of medical contra-indication to cavitation.And maybe this is for you, this technique is particularly effective in modeling silhouette.

Specially for upDiet .info – Zoya Kupricevic.